
The Latest News Headlines

The New Visa has Arrived!
The new five year visa has arrived! After putting in the application, it was done within days. Thank you so much for your prayers, it was definitely a God thing since I have heard many stories of people here in Madagascar having a hard time getting a visa.

Sunday School Picnic
On Saturday I went along with about 100 kids and teachers from church on a picnic. We all piled into two vehicles and were on our way. At first I was met with shy smiles, as I haven’t had a chance to get to know any of the kids. As soon as ten of the teens and I started playing a rambunctious game of Uno that all changed. By the end of the day I was constantly surrounded by a crowd of kids who where teaching me Malagasy games and trying to teach me new words. Now whenever I walk through the neighborhood, they call my name and say hello, even if I am on one bridge and they are on another.  The problem is I don’t recognize which of the kids were on the picnic and which ones I am suppose to know, so my solution has been to be extra friendly to all the kids just in case…. J

Is Laughter Good or Bad?
This is the question I am still trying to figure out. Today while working with Haja on Malagasy he couldn’t keep from laughing whenever I said two of the words. I finally asked what in the world I was doing wrong and he explained that my accent when I said those words was just like the accent from the countryside he is from. He assured me this wasn’t a bad thing, but he still couldn’t keep from laughing every time which made me slightly nervous.

1 comment:

Ashley Hoover said...

Hey, if you have an accent that sounds like it's from there I'd take it as a compliment! :)

And yay on the visa!!!! :)