On May 30th I will be heading to Madagascar! It is exciting, and scary, to have plane tickets and my visa. On one hand, I can't wait to be there, jump into the culture, learn the language and work with the Malagasy children and teens. But on the other side, being away from Madagascar for three years makes it easy to forget why I am doing what I am doing and just focus on everything I will be leaving behind. As I pack and tie up loose ends in these last 26 days, I am praying that God will renew my passion for the work he has called me to each day so that when departure day rolls around I will be nothing but excited as I board the plane, looking forward to what is ahead.
My visa! |
Yay!! You look good with a visa. :P Prayin' for you, I know exactly how you feel. *hugs*
Awesome! Enjoy your next few weeks at home with family & friends!
YAY! How exciting! Praying for you as you say your goodbyes here, and hellos there...
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