Do you remember what it felt like when you were a kid around
Christmas time? The waiting….the anticipation…and then on Christmas Eve, try to
make yourself fall asleep so that Christmas morning would come faster? That was
always a losing battle. Well, I know Christmas is still a ways out there, and I
may be a little old for this, but I feel exactly like that. A kid at Christmas
time, that is me. But the reason for my excitement really has nothing to do
with Christmas. Or maybe it kinda does… You see, I got the go ahead last week
to begin teaching Good News Clubs. In Malagasy. That in and of itself is
exciting, but even better, I can start my very own Good News Clubs in new
areas. Excited doesn’t really fit, I think stoked may be a better word. So the
planning has begun. This week I am going on a few scouting adventures for
locations and I am hoping to be able to start the first Saturday of November. The
idea is to find three or four locations that are relatively close together that
can be taught consecutively on Saturdays. Planning the lessons and activities
for club in Malagasy has also begun since I am very aware that teaching an
entire club may be a bit of a stretch the first few weeks. But not even the
fact that this is actually kind of scary can dull the excitement. After all,
this, I have been dying to do since the first time I came here in 2006. So let
the planning begin! There are still so many children who need to hear about the
baby God sent to earth over 2000 years ago, the Savior whose birth we celebrate
at Christmas and whose death and resurrection paid our ransom. There is nothing
other than this that I would rather do with my Saturdays. Let’s get started!