
Aim lower, think smaller, give up, Go have a cup of coffee

What a blessing it is that God has called us to reach children. Thank you for joining me to reach the children of Madagascar! You are impacting eternity.


Explore Day was a sucess!

Thanks for praying for Explore Day! Forty three people attended. The presenters did a wonderful job sharing God's call in their lives and what the ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship looks like. We are praying for six new workers. Frik Van Rensburg, the regional director who I will be under while serving in Madagascar, was there sharing about international ministry. It was fun to spend time with him and talk about Madagascar. He was a missionary in Madagascar for a while. He told me how God called him to Madagascar. It made me want to be there all the more. :)

Frik shares with those who attended Explore Day.


Explore Day

Today is Explore Day! Over 40 people will be coming to hear about volunteer and career opportunities with Child Evangelism Fellowship. We are praying that 6 people will get involved in CEF.


Teaching Children Effectively

I have the amazing opportunity to help teach a Teaching Children Effectively class in Vancouver, WA. It started on Monday night and goes for nine weeks. We have four great students, three of them went to CYIA this last summer. This is the first TCE class I have taught and I am looking forward to it. Pray for me as I prepare for the sessions I will be teaching.


From Staff Conference to Sequim!

Yesterday I got back from staff conference. Frik Van Rensburg, the CEF regional director for the South Africa/Indian Ocean region (which includes Madagascar) was there. It was fun to see him and hear him speak. He showed me pictures and videos from his trip to Madagascar a few months ago. It broke my heart to see videos of the child laborers carrying stacks of wet bricks on their heads, and to see a child running a gambling table for a group of children. They were gambling the little money that they had. Please pray that these precious children will have the opportunity to hear the life changing message of the Gospel.

Today I am driving over to Sequim to speak at their banquet. Please pray that those who come and hear about the ministry will want to get involved, not just with Madagascar, but on the local level.